Eastern Handa from Scourie

Handa Island lies just offshore of northwestern Sutherland and is run as a bird reserve by the Scottish Wildlife Trust. Unless you are booked into the island's 2 bedroom bothy, or are working on the island, you will only be able to do a day trip - Willie or Steven at Tarbet will take you across the Sound in their wee boats, lifejackets are a good idea for the more nervous traveller. Once on the island, other hazards to watch out for are falling off the crumbly very high cliffs or being attacked by Skuas on your way through the interior of the island. Do not put your young child on your shoulders if they get tired as they will attack the highest member of your party and give you quite a fright as they divebomb you (and make contact!) from behind. Handa is so given over to birds that any lingering in their territory is likely to draw attantion - and I have also been divebombed by Fulmars, Terns, Oystercatchers and even a brave Puffin. Fulmars are particularly nasty as they can spit foul oily fishy stuff at you, if you get it on your clothes it;s best to burn them as that's the only way to get rid of the smell. Nasty.

Handa from Oldshoremore
Handa from Oldshoremore
Visitors from the RAF
The Bothy
west coast cliffs
west coast cliffs
the north coast and Great Stack

I won a prize for these pics, from the Scottish Wildlife Trust, good job too since I was under attack from angry parents when I took them. We were foing a survey, and had to go equiped with hard hats and big sticks (wirn down the back of your jacket, so the birds would attack the stick instead of out heads)

Sound of Handa
the Sound of Handa
Sound of Handa
Sound of Handa
Willie's boat
Moonrise over Scotland from Handa